ADEGOKE, Anthony Ayodeji |
IWWT, Durban University of Technology Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology 41-43 ML Sultan Road Durban, 4001 SOUTH AFRICA. Telephone: +27604073200; E-mail: |
AGAPOV , Aleksei Kurchatov |
Sq. 2, Moscow, Russia, 123182 Institute of Molecular Genetics (Russian Academy of Sciences) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms RUSSIA. Telephone: +74991960015; E-mail: |
AL-ASSE, Akeel |
Molecular Biologist Director of Central Laboratories of Tikrit University IRAQ. Telephone: +9647701715517; E-mail: , |
BARCHIESI, Arianna |
University of Udine P.le Massimiliano Kolbe 4 33100 Udine (UD), Italy. Telephone: 0432 494310; E-mail: |
BEN JEMII, Nadia |
Pasteur institute of Tunisia 13, place Pasteur, B.P. 74 1002 Tunis, Belvedere TUNISIA. Telephone: +216 71843755; E-mail: |
BERDUGO, Jesus |
Univerisdad Nacional de Colombia-Medellin Calle 5 No 76a 150 of 1109 medellin Colombia South America. Telephone: 573105059801 |
BIDIAS , Amel Renaud |
Biotechnology Centre Nkolbisson University of Yaounde I B.P. 11864, Yaounde CAMEROON. Telephone: +237679627641; E-mail: |
CASAL, Pablo |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Arg Area Virologia-IBR-CONICET Departamento Microbiologia Facultad Cs. Bioquimicas y Farmaciuticas Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Suipacha 531 CP: 2000 Rosario, SANTA FE, ARGENTINA. Telephone: +54 0341 4350661 int 134; E-mail: |
CATTELAN, Natalia |
Calle 50 No227, La Plata (1900) Buenos Aires ARGENTINA. Telephone: 0054-0221-4833794; E-mail: |
CAUZ DOS SANTOS, Luiz Augusto |
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Esalq Departamento de Genetica Av. Padua Dias, 11 - Caixa Postal 9 79804-970 - Piracicaba, SP BRAZIL. Telephone: +55 19 34294395; E-mail: |
COSTANZO, Michele |
University of Naples "Federico II" Via S. Pansini 5 80131, Napoli ITALY. Telephone: +39-081-3737807; E-mail: |
DEVARAJAN, Thangadurai |
Department of Botany Karnatak University Dharwad 580003 Karnataka INDIA . Telephone: +91-9482685270; E-mail: |
EL-ZAYAT, Mariam |
Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 1 Seket Al-Emam Street El-Madbah El-Kadeem Yard El-Saida Zenab EGYPT. Telephone: 01096226787; E-mail: |
GAZDAG, Orsolya |
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry Centre for Agricultural Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1022 Budapest, Herman Otto str. 15. HUNGARY. Telephone: +36 1 212-2265; Fax: +36 1 212-2265; E-mail: |
University of Trieste Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute Universita Degli Studi di Trieste IRCCS Burlo Garofolo via Dell'Istria, 65/1 I-34137 Trieste, Italy. Telephone: +393331413603; E-mail: |
GOUDA, Nouran |
Childrens Cancer Hospital 57357 CAIRO, EL SAYEDA ZEINAB Magra El-Eyoun, El-Sayeda Zainab Cairo Governorate EGYPT. Telephone: +2 01001429177; E-mail: |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Calle 59 A N 63-20 of. 21-322 Medellin COLOMBIA . Telephone: +57-3146685250; E-mail: |
GUZINA, Jelena |
Faculty of Biology, Univ. of Belgarde Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry Studentski trg 16 11000 Belgrade Serbia. Telephone: +381-11-303-3356; E-mail: |
HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE, Dinum Asanka Kumara Herath |
Department of Plant Sciences Faculty of Agriculture Rajarata University of Sri Lanka SRI LANKA. Telephone: +94718016134; E-mail: |
IBRAHIM, Abdalla |
Abrar Research&Training Centre P.O Box 25 Abrar University Mogadishu SOMALIA. Telephone: 00252 619 623 333; E-mail: |
IDOUZ, Kaoutar |
Genetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratory Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy University Hassan II� Casablanca MOROCCO. Telephone: 0644214399; E-mail: |
ISLAM, Saher |
University of Veterinary & Animal Science 226-A1, Johar Town Lahore PAKISTAN. Telephone: 3214544736; Fax: 3214544736; E-mail: |
KAANANE, Houda |
Hassan 2nd University BP 14461 Casa Principale Casablanca MOROCCO. Telephone: 00212661429423; E-mail: |
KARKAR, Adnane |
Hassan II University 59, rue Augustin Sourzak Roches noires Casablanca MOROCCO. Telephone: 0212699076519; E-mail: |
KSOURI, Ayoub |
INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS 13, Place Pasteur - BP 74 1002 TUNIS-BELVEDERE TUNISIA. Telephone: 216 71843 755; Fax: 216 71 791 833; E-mail: |
LUCCHINI, Matteo |
Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia Via Universita, 4 41121 Modena MO ITALY. Telephone: +249914102918; E-mail: |
LUJIC, Jelena |
Department of Aquaculture Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Szent Istvan University Peter Koroly street 1 2100 G�d�ll HUNGARY. Telephone: +36 28 522 000 ext. 2329; E-mail: |
Pasteur Institute of Iran (IPI) No. 69, 12th Farwardin Ave Tehran IRAN Post Code: 1316943551. Telephone: +98-2166953311; Fax: +98 21 66465132; E-mail: |
Department of Aquaculture Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Szent Istv�n University P�ter K�roly street 1 2100 G�d�ll HUNGARY. Telephone: +381693628228; E-mail: |
MATOUGUI, Brahim |
National Biotechnology Reserach Center Ali Mendjli Nouvelle Ville UV 03 BP E73 Constantine ALGERIA. Telephone: +213 (31) 77.50.37/39; E-mail: |
MELEGH, Szilvia |
Clinical Centre University of P�cs Hungary. E-mail: |
MEMON, Muhammet |
Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute (iBG-izmir) Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Saglik Yerleskesi Balcova 35340 Izmir TURKEY. Telephone: +90(232) 412 65 01; E-mail: |
Universit� Cattolica del Sacro Cuore via Emilia Parmense 84 29122 Piacenza Italia. Telephone: 39 0523 599250; E-mail: |
Department of �Biology Faculty of Natural Sciences and Health Care Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University 6010, Batumi GEORGIA. Telephone: +99593723677; Fax: +995 (422) 27-17-87; E-mail: |
Calle Monte Carlo 240 Dpt. 101 Chacarilla del Estanque Surco, Lima PERU. Telephone: +511-959305141; E-mail: |
University Hospital Basel Institute of Pathology University Hospital Basel Sch�nbeinstrasse 40, CH-4031 Basel / Switzerland. Telephone: +41 61 265 27 80; E-mail: |
RODIC, Andjela |
Faculty of Biology, Univ. of Belgrade Studentski trg 16 11000 Belgrade Serbia. Telephone: +381 11 303 3356; E-mail: |
Universidad de Antofagasta Campus Coloso Av. Universidad de Antofagasta Antofagasta, Regi�n de Antofagasta CHILE. Telephone: +56965150704; E-mail: |
ROJO, Gabriel Lihue |
Virology Laboratory Hospital de Ni�os �Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez� Gallo 1330 Ciudad Aut�noma de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA. Telephone: +54-11-49643118; Fax: +54-11-49643118; E-mail: |
SADEGHI, Solmaz |
No.88, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine Italia St, Keshavarz Blvd. Tehran IRAN. Telephone: +98-021-43052121; Fax: +98-021-88991117; E-mail: |
Biochemistry and Metabolic Disorders Research Center, Golestan university of medial sciences, Gorgan, IRAN, Po.Box: 4934174611. E-mail: |
TOSTI, Nadia |
Molecular Pathology Unit Institute of Pathology University Hospital Basel Sch�nbeinstrasse 40 4003 � Basel (CH). Telephone: +41(0) 612652780; E-mail: |
VIDMAR, Maša |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Unit University Medical Centre Ljubljana Slajmerjeva 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA. E-mail: |
VIK, Erik Sebastian |
Oslo University Hospital - Rikshospitalet Department of research Sektion for Microbiology Sognsvannsveien 20 0372 Oslo Norway. Telephone: 004723074063; E-mail: |
YAICHE, Hamza |
Laboratory of Biomedical Genomics and Oncogenetics Laboratory of pathological and experimental anatomy Pasteur Institute of Tunis 13, place Pasteur 1002 University Tunis EL Manar Tunis TUNISIA. Telephone: +216-71843755; E-mail: |
ZAKI, Hamdan |
Faculty of Medicine Al-Neelain University Khartoum SUDAN. Telephone: +249912468264; E-mail: |