International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Practical Course

"Bioinformatics: Computer Methods in Molecular and Systems Biology"



AREA Science Park - Trieste, ITALY

24 - 28 June 2019


Computer requirements

In order to successfully participate in the summer school each student should bring a laptop.

The minimum requirements are:

  • relatively recent (e.g. max. 3 to 4 years old)
  • at least 4GB RAM
  • a wifi card
  • at least a few GB of free disk space
  • one of the following operating systems: Windows 8 or later; Mac OS X; any recent Linux distribution
  • The cleaner your installation is, the better (i.e. try to remove unnecessary applications). Please double check if your laptop is free of viruses and/or malware (several free virus scanners can be found on the internet, e.g. Microsoft Security Essentials).
  • If you are not sure if your laptop fits these requirements, or if you have other questions, please contact us as soon as possible.

Software requirements

We will need the following software to be installed: previously to the course:


  1. Putty, Terminal software, more info at
  2. Oracle Java 8 JRE 32bit or Oracle Java JRE 8 64bit
  3. Update your Universal C Runtime from Microsoft Web Site
  4. VcxSRCV 32bit or VcxSRCV 64bit
  6. JalView
  7. FigTree
  8. IGV


  1. XQuartz Server
  2. Oracle Java JRE
  4. JalView
  5. FigTree
  6. IGV


  1. Oracle Java JRE 8 (x86_64 RPM)
  3. JalView
  4. FigTree
  5. IGV